The year 2016 witnessed Fort Collins dispensaries sell out more than $34.3 million worth of marijuana which as a matter of fact send out mixed signals leaving a lot of people speculating. In consideration of the fact that from the point where the added tax revenue for schools was the backing-up for the legalizing of the recreational marijuana in Colorado, one may be left asking questions as to how the sales impact a school nearby.

According to reliable sources, the sales tax on retail marijuana fails at giving a lift to the overall per-pupil funding for Colorado schools statewide and, it is important to point out the fact that a lot of the funds channeled through the grant programs that districts must employ for the purpose of extra funding for targeted projects and programs as well.

There has been much talking in the air with a lot of people questioning where the money goes. Well, the first $40 million of marijuana revenue allocated to schools targets the set up of Excellent Schools Today (BEST) Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund and a 12.5 percent from the total sum is channeled in a sub-account for charter school facility help.

BEST is believed to always channel funds through the construction grants. Health, security issues (think asbestos removal), safety, poor indoor air quality, new roofs and building code violations happen to be the major priorities of the allocated dollars.

Any interested school in the vicinity is entitled to make applications for the grants and that must be done through the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund and they will be in classifications such as grants for school health professionals, substance abuse programs and intervention as well as the prevention services.

As a matter of fact, the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund is usually financed by some other sales taxes on the retail marijuana revenue; forget the K-12 education.

A group of people was lately asking if the Poudre School District had seen any of this. The truth of the matter is that it has obtained almost $1 million in retail marijuana tax-funded grants of course in the past three years. That should be good enough to clear the air around the matter.

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